July 4, 2024

BillBuffalo s get financial respite thanks to the $255.4 million 2024 NFL salary cap.

The NFL announced Friday, February 23, that the 2024 salary cap will be $255.4 million per team. Tom Pelissero broke the story first, and added that there will be “an additional $74 million per club payment for player benefits, which includes Performance Based Pay and benefits for retired players.”

The main message here is that the real figure is substantially greater than expected. Thus, the most crucial news for the Buffalo Bills is that they now have less financial load to shed in order to meet the cap for the upcoming season.

Prior to Friday’s announcement, the amount talked about was a $242.5 million cap prediction. As a result, general manager Brandon Beane and the front office will have more than $13 million deducted from their overage.

So, instead of being $54 million above the 2024 cap, One Bills Drive is now “just” $41 million over the cap for the upcoming season. Yes, the bad news is that they are still over the cap despite this revelation. However, they are now $13 million closer to compliance — while making no changes to free up cap space.

It is unclear how Beane and company will proceed in light of this development. Will they be able to re-sign one of the free agents who many expected to leave?


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