July 4, 2024

Tonali might be banned for a year or more in the coming days if his ‘medical certificate’ is not accepted.

Newcastle United’s Sandro Tonali might face a one-year ban in the coming days as a result of his involvement in the Italian football betting scandal.

According to Gazzetta dello Sport, a’medical document’ proving his gambling addiction does not appear to be helping his case.

Tonali will negotiate a fine with the Federal Prosecutor’s Office in a short period of time, according to the publication, with the most likely scenario being that they strike an agreement before Wednesday’s Champions League game between Newcastle and Borussia Dortmund.

That would save the midfielder from embarrassment and keeping him in limbo, which is something they want to avoid given that he has accepted everything and his responsibility.

Sandro Tonali: Premier League star faces possible ban 'over alleged  gambling breaches' | UK News | Sky News

A ‘plea’ arrangement similar to the one Nicolo Fagioli negotiated, in which he would spend seven months barred and in therapy to overcome his addiction, is not conceivable.
The more likely punishment will be a year in prison, or maybe more, with more ‘strong measures’ than those imposed on the Juventus player. The goal is for ‘swift justice’ in either case, meaning the Newcastle man could face a ban sooner rather than later.

It’s not the end of the story, as there’s a chance the case will be reopened and investigated further down the road if further information becomes available.

The prosecutors are ‘convinced’ of the credibility of his testimony, acknowledging that he has a ‘fatal attraction’ to gaming.

That will not prevent him from being banned or even minimize his punishment, but it is being considered. Nonetheless, those prosecuting take them into account and accept them.

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