June 27, 2024

Gareth Bale’s playing days are ended, and these days you can find him on the golf course much more frequently than in a football arena.

The Welshman, who recently participated in the Ryder Cup Celebrity All-Star competition and helped his side win, is most likely to remain in Rome this weekend to witness the Ryder Cup.

Bale has always had a love of golf, and according to Dan Kilpatrick of The Tottenham Way Podcast, he once considered becoming a professional.

Kilpatrick claims that Bale frequently mentioned his desire to become a professional golfer while on loan at Tottenham during the 2020–21 season. Sadly, it appears that plan did not pan out.

Bale frequently discussed golf.

Kilpatrick revealed what he knew about Bale’s aspirations in golf.

“I recall that Bale had some hidden aspirations while he was playing for Spurs, and he told people that he wanted to try his hand at being a professional golfer. It hasn’t quite worked out, but I remember hearing that and thinking I was onto the story of a lifetime,” Kilpatrick added.

There is yet time.

Bale still has plenty of time to improve as a golfer even though he hasn’t exactly broken through.

Considering that Bale is only 34 years old, his ability to almost play off a scratch handicap speaks something about his skill.

Given that he already possesses that elite sportsman mentality and that he has the money to pay for the best coaches in the business, he may very well succeed in this sport.

Don’t rule out Bale as a future golfing superstar just yet.


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